Wednesday, August 31, 2011

finally..lake powell!!

So you know how last post i said i would post every week?
Obviously...i didnt really keep up on that. 
But I finally uploaded these pics from Lake Powell in June!
(and yes..these are my own pics..not anyone else's, i am proud;)
We went down to page where our cousins live for a whole week..
so pretty much we spent a whole week at Lake Powell!!
It was such a blast!
haha yep:) i went with all of the little was quite fun:)
pretty much my favorite baby in the whole wide world!!:)
haha we decided to go and try to tan on the bannana boat:)
under the canopy!:)
you have no idea how much i love this little girl!
momma and Ang!
haha Zachie's signature pose..he seems to think he is Buzz Lightyear.
again...i love my little Lex to death!!
me and tay-tay!

 haha this is one of my other super cute cousins!
Me and Kate:)
Taylor loves children;)

Eric Jimmer!!
Oh yeah baby!!:)
haha we actually decided to wear life jackets that time:)

our silly little Channy-Reese!!
All in was pretty much the best week of summer!!:)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bowling: ..its something new for me:)

So on Saturday me and some of my lovely friends decided to go bowling!
It was my first time bowling..and definetly something new.
Lets just say I am not the best at it!
But it was tons of fun and we topped off the night with a 25 Maine cupcake:)
yes that floor is "dirtier than mollasses" ..haha we are crazy:)
Lets just say that the guys working there did not like me at all!! I had to tell them about 9 times that it was my first time bowling!..although they didnt give me much sympathy;)
haha..again with the worker..he was trying to help me:) pro:)
so is Bai!:)

Eventhough Kaden beat me by almost 50 was a way fun night and i highly suggest bowling for anyone who hasnt:) 
(p.s. thankyou erin for all of the pics!!)

well..its been a while!

So yes, it has been since April that i have posted on my blog.
I think that says it all:
I am a procrastinator, I have no working camera at the moment, and well i just dont have much time!
But..I decided im gonna get better at it:)
I am going to post at least once a week whether it has pictures or not!
sounds good? too!!haha
p.s. summer is almost over, and i still have 3 books to read for language arts next year..i really need to work on this procrastinating thing!!